“The end of all good music is to affect the soul.”
Sponsorship Options
We're proud of our artist sponsorship program! Patrons have the opportunity to connect directly with artists by sponsoring their appearance on the Summer Concert Series.
a musician
You may be interested in sponsoring an artist on our Summer Concert Series. The donation to pay one artist's fee is $750. Other sponsorship opportunities include the hall rental fee at the Omaha Conservatory ($1,000.00).
The Omaha Chamber Music Society is part of Omaha Gives! Mark your calendar for May 23, 2018 for another great big give-together.
Our volunteers assist OCMS with concert services, mailings, graphic design, fundraising, special events, you name it! Contact OCMS if you're interested in becoming one of our treasured volunteers.
Financial support for the OCMS can go toward programing and concerts, outreach programs such as Hospice House, Education, or even our new program, "Good Vibrations" which provides funds for repairing student instruments in Omaha's Title 1 Schools